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Database API is for extensions that need to store data in a database.

Please avoid using browser storage like localStorage to avoid data collisions with other extensions and data leaks.

Database API doesn’t require any permissions, but one extension can only access its own data.

This database is based on sqlite, for a key-value style storage, see KV API.

The following APIs are now available:

  • add
  • delete
  • search
  • retrieveAll
  • retrieveAllByType
  • deleteAll
  • update

CRUD are the basic operations provided by the database API. Let’s talk about them one by one.


There are 3 parameters for each data entry:

  • data
    • Any data you want to store.
  • dataType
    • An arbitrary string to categorize the data.
  • searchText
    • A string to search the data. You can use this to store preview data as well.
    • This field is searchable via sqlite full-text search.

Only data is required. dataType and searchText are optional, and everything is stored as a string.

You need to use JSON.stringify to store objects, and JSON.parse to deserialize them.

Later I may provide a way to store objects directly, but for now, you need to serialize them.

import { db } from "@kksh/api/ui/template";
await db.add({
data: JSON.stringify({ name: "Kunkun" }),
dataType: "preference",
searchText: "preference",


There are multiple APIs to read data from the database.

  • db.retrieveAll returns all data entries for the extension. Sometimes the extension may store large amount of data in the data field, while you may only need the searchText. So a fields parameter is provided to specify which fields you want to retrieve.
  • db.retrieveAllByType returns all data entries by dataType.
  • run search query within the database instead of retrieving all data and filtering them with JS.
const allData = await db.retrieveAll({
fields: ["data", "search_text"],
const result = await{ dataType: "preference" });
const result = await{ dataType: "preference" }); API supports searching on multiple fields. Use your IDE to go to the definition of search() to see the full type definition.

enum SQLSortOrder {
ASC = "ASC",
type SearchParams = {
dataId?: number;
fullTextSearch?: boolean;
dataType?: string;
searchText?: string;
afterCreatedAt?: Date;
beforeCreatedAt?: Date;
limit?: number;
orderByCreatedAt?: SQLSortOrder;
orderByUpdatedAt?: SQLSortOrder;
fields?: ExtDataField[];
  • dataId is the unique ID of the data entry.
  • fullTextSearch is a boolean to enable full-text search on the searchText field.
  • limit is the maximum number of results to return.
  • fields is an array of fields to return.


You need to provide the dataId to update the data.

await db.update({ dataId: 803, data: "new data", searchText: "new data" });


You need to provide the dataId to delete the data.

await db.delete(803);