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Template UI Command

Worker Template command is a kind of lightweight extension command running in web worker (30KB+), following pre-defined template, making it easy to develop extension with consistent GUI.



  • Node.js 20+
  • pnpm
  • bun
    • bun is used to build extension from TypeScript into JavaScript.

Run the project scaffolding command to create a new project with Worker Template Extension.

Terminal window
npm init kunkun@latest # choose the template

After creating a template project, you need to edit package.json.


Add Dev Extension to Kunkun

Kunkun needs to know where your extension is located in order to load it. It’s very easy to add an extension for development.

KK provides a built-in command: Add Dev Extension. Open it, on the page you can pick the extension folder. KK will register the path to the extension.

Now go back to the main search in home page, you should see the extension loaded. Dev extensions should have a DEV tag.

Edit Manifest

KK uses package.json to define an extension.

See Manifest for more details.

You need to edit the name, description, identifier and icon of your extension.


KK provides many APIs within @kksh/api package. See API Docs for more details.

Most of them requires adding corresponding permissions in package.json.

For example, if you want to read clipboard text, you need to add clipboard:read-text permission in package.json, under kunkun.permissions field.

See Extension Permissions for a full list of permissions, and API docs for each API to see how to add permissions.

Some permissions are just a single string, some are scoped permissions.

Start Coding

It is recommended to use pnpm for development because when the extension is built in our CI, it is also built with pnpm.

Terminal window
pnpm install
pnpm build # build the extension, generate dist/index.js file, this is the entry file of the extension, make sure it's listed in the package.json
pnpm dev # start the development server, basically running `build` with watch mode

In dev mode (pnpm dev), every time you save the file, the extension will be recompiled and Kunkun desktop app will be notified to reload the extension. Otherwise you need to manually reload the extension.

A template worker extension should extends abstract class WorkerExtension (

Override the methods of this class to implement your extension.

  • load
  • onSearchTermChange
  • onActionSelected
  • onEnterPressedOnSearchBar

List View

  • onListItemSelected
  • onListScrolledToBottom
  • onHighlightedListItemChanged

Form View

  • onFormSubmit
import { expose, WorkerExtension } from "@kksh/api/ui/worker";
class DemoExtension extends WorkerExtension {
async load() {
// load method is run when the extension is loaded, you can use it as an initializer
expose(new DemoExtension()); // expose this extension at the bottom of the file

There is no concept like routing in worker template extension. Different views can be rendered with ui.render() method.

You can add any variables to the Extension class to keep track of the state and render different views based on the state.

Once the command is built, a js file will be generated at dist/index.js.

Refresh kunkun app, you should see the command.

Advanced Usage

The scaffold template uses bun to build the extension from TypeScript into JavaScript. You can install other dependencies (they need to run in web worker), add more .ts files. Eventually they will be bundled into a single js file and run in web worker.

build.ts in the template project contains the build script, you can modify it as you want, or replace bun with other build tools like esbuild, rollup, vite, etc.

@rollup/plugin-terser is known to have some problems with the current @kksh/api package. bun is the simpliest and fastest tool for this job.

Sample Build Script
import { watch } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
import { refreshTemplateWorkerExtension } from "@kksh/api/dev";
import { $ } from "bun";
async function build() {
await $`bun build --minify --target=browser --outdir=./dist ./src/index.ts`;
await refreshTemplateWorkerExtension();
const srcDir = join(import.meta.dir, "src");
await build();
if (Bun.argv.includes("dev")) {
console.log(`Watching ${srcDir} for changes...`);
watch(srcDir, { recursive: true }, async (event, filename) => {
await build();


Template Command follows templates. Each template is a type of view.

Markdown View

Basically renders markdown on page.

import { expose, Form, ui, WorkerExtension } from "@kksh/api/ui/worker"
class DemoExtension extends WorkerExtension {
load() {
return ui.render(new Markdown("# Hello, World!"))
expose(new DemoExtension())

Form View

A form can be easily rendered with the ui API. Every form field is an object.

Available form fields:

  • Form.InputField
  • Form.NumberField
  • Form.SelectField
  • Form.BooleanField
  • Form.DateField
  • Form.ArrayField
  • Form.Form
import { expose, Form, ui, WorkerExtension } from "@kksh/api/ui/worker";
class DemoExtension extends WorkerExtension {
async onFormSubmit(value: Record<string, any>): Promise<void> {
console.log("Form submitted", value);
async load() {
return ui.render(
new Form.Form({
key: "form1",
fields: [
new Form.NumberField({
key: "age",
label: "Age",
placeholder: "Enter your age",
new Form.InputField({
key: "name",
expose(new DemoExtension());

List View

List view can contain sections and items. Everything is an object.

An list item can have title, value, icon and actions. Each item can contain multiple actions. When selected, onActionSelected() will be called.

import {
} from "@kksh/api/ui/worker";
class DemoExtension extends WorkerExtension {
async onFormSubmit(value: Record<string, any>): Promise<void> {
console.log("Form submitted", value);
async load() {
return ui.setSearchBarPlaceholder("Enter search term").then(() => {
return ui.render(
new List.List({
sections: [
new List.Section({
title: "Section 1",
items: [
new List.Item({
title: "Hello, World!",
value: "Section 1 Hello, World!",
icon: new Icon({ type: IconEnum.Iconify, value: "gg:hello" }),
new List.Item({
title: "Hello, World 2!",
value: "Section 1 Hello, World 2!",
new List.Section({
title: "Section 2",
items: [
new List.Item({
title: "Hello, World!",
value: "Section 2 Hello, World!",
icon: new Icon({ type: IconEnum.Iconify, value: "gg:hello" }),
items: [
new List.Item({
title: "Hello, World!",
value: "Hello, World!",
icon: new Icon({
type: IconEnum.Iconify,
value: "ri:star-s-fill",
new List.Item({
title: "Hello, World 2!",
value: "Hello, World 2!",
icon: new Icon({ type: IconEnum.Iconify, value: "gg:hello" }),
actions: new Action.ActionPanel({
items: [
new Action.Action({
title: "Open",
icon: new Icon({
type: IconEnum.Iconify,
value: "ion:open-outline",
async onSearchTermChange(term: string): Promise<void> {
console.log("Search term changed to:", term);
async onItemSelected(value: string): Promise<void> {
console.log("Item selected:", value);
async onActionSelected(value: string): Promise<void> {
console.log("Action selected:", value);
expose(new DemoExtension());

To verify the extension, you need to build it and run the verification command.

To make sure the build environment is consistent, docker is required to run the build command.

Terminal window
npx @kksh/cli build # requires docker
npx @kksh/cli verify --publish

These commands verify whether the extension can be loaded and published to the extension store.

To verify the functionality in production build,

  1. Set Dev Extension Load Mode to Production Mode in settings, general tab.

  2. Run npm run build

  3. Try to load the dev extension in KK, i.e. Search for your dev extension and select it to see if the UI can be loaded.

  4. Make sure files field in package.json only includes necessary files. e.g. "files": ["dist"].

  5. Run npm pack to generate a tarball file.

    • Decompress the tarball file to see if only necessary files are included.
  6. Go to settings page, developer tab, drag and drop the tarball file to install the extension.

    • The tarball file is decompressed to the dev extension path.
    • You may want to change the dev extension path as the new extension will be installed in the dev extension path as well, where your dev project is. And 2 extensions with the same identifier will be loaded.
  7. Check to see if the extension UI can be loaded in KK.


See Guide: Extension Publish for more details.