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Dialog API is used to interact with the user by showing dialog boxes. This API is used to show alert, confirm, prompt, and file dialog boxes.

  • ask: Shows a question dialog with Yes and No buttons.
  • confirm: Shows a question dialog with Ok and Cancel buttons.
  • message: Shows a message dialog with an Ok button.
  • open: Open a file/directory selection dialog.
  • save: Open a file/directory save dialog.
import { dialog } from "@kksh/api/ui/template";
const answer = await dialog.ask('This action cannot be reverted. Are you sure?', {
title: 'KK',
kind: 'warning',
const confirmation = await dialog.confirm(
'This action cannot be reverted. Are you sure?',
{ title: 'KK', kind: 'warning' }
await dialog.message('File not found', { title: 'KK', kind: 'error' });
const file = await open({
multiple: false,
directory: false,
// Prints file path and name to the console
const path = await save({
filters: [
name: 'My Filter',
extensions: ['png', 'jpeg'],
// Prints the chosen path